Judge: Mrs Shelagh Tolladay (Bethersden)
BIS Sh Ch Bowdonia Seraphina JW
RBIS Ferndel Cover Story About Nyliram JW
BOS Quensha You've Got A Friend
BPIS Bowdonia Moon River
BVIS Ch Julita Rezanella at Jacranella
Minor Puppy Dog (3)
1. Harrison's Glenbrows Picture by Design
2. Ritchie & Butler's Slapestones Diamond Mine
3. Chandler's Chanangel Festive Spirit
Puppy Dog (2)
1. Douglas' Bonvis Cadfael to Santallina
2. Harrison's Picture by Design
Junior Dog (4)
1. Graham & Hogstrom's Don's Statement to Nyliram (Imp Swe)
2. Worth's Sarabande Lord of the Dance (AI)
3. Oliver's Glenbrows Royal Dragon
4. Edward's Cedwyn Roho
Sp Yearling Dog 3)
1. Graham & Hogstrom's Don's Statement to Nyliram (Imp Swe)
2. Worth's Sarabande Lord of the Dance (AI)
3. Edward's Cedwyn Roho
Post Graduate Dog (3, 1a)
1. Yacoub & Samsel's Laithmoor's Marek
2. Riley's Ferndel Buttermint at Ravensworth
Limit Dog (9)
1. Howarth's Quensha You've Got a Friend
2. Clarke's Ferndel High Fidelity with Tigerrock ShCM
3. Ellis & Pilkington's Shannara Total Eclipse
4. Sutherland's Jacranella Solo
Open Dog (4)
1. Harrison's Sh Ch Glenbrows Picture Me Nowq JW
2. Douglas' Sh Ch Ferndel Justin Time ShCM
3. Phillipson's Sh Ch Menstonia Marksman ShCM
4. Murray's Lyndfil Simba from Priestbeck
Veteran Dog (2)
1. Clarke's Tigerrock Two Unlimited JW
2. Thomas' Coed Y Berwyn Afon Fach
GCDS Dog (3, 2a)
1. Hankins' Haltonian Romeo with Woodelrond
Minor Puppy Bitch (4, 1a)
1. Burchmore & Thomas' Bowdonia Moon River
2. Chandler's Chanangel Mistletoe N'Wine
3. Graham & Denwood's Slapestones Pink Promise at Lyndfil
Puppy Bitch (4, 1a)
1. Burchmore & Thomas' Bowdonia Moon River
2. Yacoub's Laithmoor's Alinka
3. Graham & Denwood's Slapestones Pink Promise at Lyndfil
Junior Bitch (3,1a)
1. Worth's Sarabande Dance to the Rhythm (AI)
2. Perkins' Brent Love Me Do
Sp Yearling Bitch (4,1a)
1. Graham's Ferndel Cover Story About Nyliram JW
2. Tyler & Shiels' Highclare Made of Honouor at Eiriandylis
3. Hankins' Haltonian Juliet with Woodelrond
Post Graduate Bitch (4, 1a)
1. Knowles' Menstonia Midnight Dreamer
2. Sutherland's Jacranella Sonata
3. Dyer's Islanza Royale Among Tylwyth
Limit Bitch (6, 1a)
1. Thomas & Upton's Bowdonia Anastasia JW
2. Sutherland's Jacranella Serenade
3. Ritchie's Sarabande Eternity at Slapestones JW
4. Madeley's Bahri Flaming Star at Maytag
Open Bitch (4, 2a)
1. Thomas & Upton's Sh Ch Bowdonia Seraphina JW ShCM
2. Sutherland's Sh Ch Jacranelola Symphony
Veteran Bitch (1)
1. Sutherland's Ch Julita Rezanella of Jacranella
GCDS Bitch (2, 1a)
1. Tain's Sh Ch Taimere's Takes the Biscuit JW