Judge: Mrs E (Liz) Harper
BIS Sh Ch Taimere's Twister Round Nyliram JW ShCM
RBIS Cwsscwn De Ja Vu (AI)
BPIS Crimicar She's Electrick with Tigerrock
BVIS Sh Ch Bowdonia Moment to Shine
MPD (1)
1. Graham's Nyliram Let's Twist Again
PD (2)
1. Barkley's Chanangel Mr Whodat at Cherryheath
2. Graham's Nyliram Let's Twist Again
JD (4)
1. Harrison's Glenbrows This Is Me JW
2. Phillipson's Menstonia Meteeor
3. Murray's Madsprings Drogon from Priestbeck
SYD (6, 1a)
1. Phillipson's Menstonia Meteor
2. Ritchie & Butler's Slapestones Diamond Mine
3. Cemis' Taimere's Talk About Me
PGD (6)
1. Worth's Sarabande Lord of the Dance
2. Oliver's Glenbrows Royal Dragon
3. Hepworth's Glenbrows Rebel With A Cause
LD (4)
1. Graham & Hogstrom's Don's Statement to Nyliram JW (Imp Swe)
2. McCann's Slapestones Tidal Force
3. Cemis' Shandwick Viscount
OD (8, 1a)
1. Graham's Sh Ch Taimere's Twister Round Nyliram JW ShCM
2. Riley's Ferndel Peanut Butter at Ravensworth JW
3. Sutherland's Jacranella Solo
VD (2, 1a)
1. Barkley's Sh Ch Cherryheath's Mr Mischief JW ShCM
GCDS (3, 1)
1. Barkley's Cherryheath's Mr Mojito
2. Leach's Islanza Sprinter
MPB (2)
1. Short's Ferndel Fire Gem at Toftwood
2. Carpenter's Ferndel Firestar at Charsammie
PB ((2)
1. Clarke & Sherlock's Crimicar She's Electrick with Tigerrock
2. Short's Ferndel Fire Gem at Toftwood
JB (2, 1a_
1. Harrison's Glenbrows Temptress JW
SYB (3, 1a)
1. Yacoub's Laithmoor's Alinka
2. Backhouse's Aindrea Harleyquinn
PGB (6, 2a)
1. Morgan & Schofield's Cwsscwn De Ja Vu (AI)
2. Backhouse's Glenbrows Romance at Aindrea
3. Jones' Julita Rumours at Trosley
LB (4, 1a)
1. Sutherland's Jacranella Sonata
2. Dyer's Benton Small Talk Among Tylwyth (Imp Fin)
3. Barkley's Cherryheath's Miss Velocity JW
OB (8, 1a)
1. Sutherland's Jacranella Serenade
2. Thomas' Sh Ch Bowdonia Anastasia JW
3. Graham's Sh Ch Ferndel Cover Story About Nyliram
VB (5, 1a)
1. Thomas' Sh Ch Bowdonia Moment to Shine
2. Madeley's Barhi Flaming Star at Maytag
3. Sutherland's Ch Julita Rezanella of Jacranella
GCDS (3, 1a)
1. Sutherland's Sh Ch Jacranella Symphony
2. Woodward's Sarabande Billie Jean at Hinxwood (AI)