The work of the Joint Health Group is to investigate any condition that is causing concern in the breed. The Group is made up of equal numbers of delegates from each of the breed clubs and has an independent chairman. If you have anything that you would like to submit for discussion or need any help with a problem then please contact a delegate.

The first project undertaken by the JHG was to look at the incidence of Primary Epilepsy in the breed. The Group is working with the Animal Health Trust (AHT) towards the possible development of a DNA test for the condition. Blood samples are still being collected to try to identify a marker for the genes involved.

The second project the JHG undertook to investigate was Primary Glaucoma. A previous study on Glaucoma had been made by Dr K Barnett and Mrs Cottrell (AHT) and so the Group sought their help again to investigate the problem. In the quest for new information on Glaucoma the Group arranged testing sessions at shows to provide data for the research, and a new gonioscopy lens was bought by the JHG for Mrs Cottrell to use in testing sessions. Over 200 dogs have been tested under the research programme and a report on the outcome has been received by the JHG.

The latest health issue the Group dealt with was to commission an investigation and report from Dr Malcolm Willis on the hip status of the breed.

Fact Sheets covering these 3 conditions are now available:

Fact Sheet 1 - Hip Dysplasia | Fact Sheet 2 - Epilepsy | Fact Sheet 3 - Glaucoma

Also available are statements from the Animal Health Trust on the subjects of Glaucoma (Jun 98) and DNA Research (Dec 98).