Dogs – Mrs T Ritchie
Bitches – Mr F Bjerklund
BIS Sh Ch Ferndel Folly
RBIS Glenbrows Memoir
BOS Glenbrows Band of Brothers for Benoveor
BPIS Glenbrows Hearts Desire
Minor PD
No entries
Puppy D
No entries
Junior D (5)
1. Ferndel Glenfiddich
2. Sarabande Man in the Mirror (AI)
3. Ferndel Peanut Butter at Ravensworth
4. Ferndel Buttermint at Ravensworth
Yearling D (6)
1. Glenbrows Picture Me Now JW
2. Sarabande Man in the Mirror
3. Ferndel Peanut Butter at Ravensworth
4. Typica Flash Harry
5. Ferndel Buttermint at Ravensworth
Veteran D (3, 1a)
1. Cerysan Robert Roy
2. Tywysog Gelert
Maiden D (1a)
Novice D (2, 1a)
1. Ferndel Buttermint at Ravensworth
Graduate D (9)
1. Bowdonia Ozzie
2. Sarabande Man in the Mirror
3. Ferndel Peanut Butter at Ravensworth
4. Cadehill Poltross Burn
5. Eurion Jasper
P/Graduate D (6, 1a)
1. Hudolus Rhys Henllys at Typica
2. Ferndel High Fidelity with Tigerrock
3. Eurion Jasper
4. Cadehill Poltross Burn
5. Laithmoor's Marek
Mid Limit D (4)
1. Kamunting Cast Away to Benoveor JW
2. Bonvis Fire N Ice
3. Glenbrows Paper Money for Gilpeta JW
4. Rough Diamond among Tylwith
Limit D (2)
1. Lyndfil Simba from Priestbeck (RCC)
2. Taimere's Twister round Nyliram JW ShCM
Open D (7)
1. Glenbrows Band of Brothers for Benoveor JW ShCM (CC & BOS)
2. Sh Ch Ferndel Justin Time ShCM
3. Sh Ch Cherryheath's Mr Mischief JW ShCM
4. Menstonia Marksman SHcm
5. Sarabande Perfect Storm
Sp. Beg. D (4, 1a)
1. Bowdonia Ozzie
2. Bonvis Fire N Ice
3. Laithmoor's Marek
Sp Working D
No entries
Minor Puppy B (4, 1a)
1. Glenbrows Hearts Desire (BPIS)
2. Highclaire Made of Honour at Eiriandylis
3. Fitzrovia Fire and Ice
Puppy B (4, 1a)
1. Glenbrows Hearts Desire
2. Julita Rumours at Trosley
3. Jonsen Neveah
Junior B (5)
1. Sarabande Billie Jean at Hinxwood (AI)
2. Pamicks Field of Dreams
3. Glenbrows Loyalty to Benoveor (AI)
4. Benton Small Talk among Tylwyth (Imp. Fin)
5. Glenbrows Liberty (AI) JW
Yearling B (8, 1a)
1. Sarabande Billie Jean at Hinxwood (AI)
2. Pamicks Field of Dreams
3. Slapestones Summer Tide at Balcraig
4. Jacranella Sonata
5. Islanza Royale among Tylwyth
Veteran B (9, 1a)
1. Sh Ch Glenbrows Tribute to Weslave JW
2. Sh Ch Gellyburn Damselfly JW ShCM
3. Sh Ch Bowdonia Sweet Dreams JW
4. Ch Julita Rezanella of Jacranella
5. Ferndel Take a Chance
Maiden B (2)
1. Sarabande Billie Jean at Hinxwood (AI)
2. Jonsen Neveah
Novice B (2)
1. Sarabande Billie Jean at Hinxwood (AI)
2. Jonsen Neveah
Graduate B ((4, 1a)
1. Pamicks Fieldl of Dreams
2. Slapestones Summer Tide at Balcraig
3. Jacranella Serenade
Post Graduate B (6, 1a)
1. Ferndel High Society to Bethersden
2. Bonvis Sweet Jasmine
3. Jacranella Symphony
4. Glenbrows Truth about Aindrea
5. Tigerrock Perfect Ten
Mid Limit B (5)
1. Glenbrows Memoir (RCC & RBIS)
2. Taimere's Two Step
3. Bushwacker Something About Mary
4. Bowdonia Seraphina JW ShCM
5. Haltonian Twelfth Night
Limit B (10, 2a)
1. Glenbrows Fascination with Shannara
2. Nyliram Miss Joules JW
3. Bonvis Fern
4. Bowdonia Anastasia JW
5. Barhi Flaming Star at Maytag
Open B (9, 1a)
1. Sh Ch Ferndel Folly (CC & BIS)
2. Sh Ch Taimere's Takes the Biscuit JW
3. Sh Ch Ferndel Silhouette of Cwsscwn JW
4. Ned.Ch Bushwacker Gregory's Girl
5. Slapstones Hepburn for Bemnoveor
Sp. Beg. B (3, 1a)
1. Bonvis Fern
2. Bushwacker Perfect Storm for Laithmoor
Sp. Working B
No entries
1. Sh Ch Bowdonia Sweet Dreams JW